
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

What changed my life?

Ubqari Magazine - October 2015

Readers! Teachings of Hazrat JEE on network or on mobile (memory card) etc are changing the lives of millions people. Unique thing is that, as the greatest name of Almighty (Ism-e-Azam) is read in the teaching, which resolves the domestic problems. Please listen teachings whether a little, but it should be regular basis. It should be played in your home or in your car.


Dear Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Al-salamu Alaykum! In the name of Allah I want you to be in good health. Dear Hazrat Hakeem Sahib! I had a happy family. My father (late) was very blessed. There was a plenty of provision in our house. Allah has granted us many things. In short, then we started to decline at the time my father was having severe loss in business, he got ill and lied many years on bed and gone from the World. There had some money in my father’s bank account and the same was used for our studies and other expenses. In this insubstantial situation, all of our relatives left us. Our condition was becoming worst day by day. My sister has done B.A. after few years and started doing job in some local school. Then I had done F.A and started earning in too small wages. My mother was also doing small wages job. Thus in this way we all worked together to run the family.

Dear Hazrat Hakeem Sahib! Now I will come to the injustice that happened to me and then I went down into the swamp of sin. I do not understand where I start talking about? 
I was very young , about nine or ten years old when my own blood relative, the man whose name is taken with respect, has done rape with me and threatened me to be quiet .
I was too young at the time I did not understand all of these things, but they had done this barbaric cruelty with me for some time. Then I started doing job, went different offices and meet different and unique peoples. Then during one office job, a relationship was established with my office’s owner. He was a rich man. I made deal with him several times to pay school fees for younger siblings, sometimes for home expenses. Whenever there was a need at home for electricity bill, telephone bill, Bill's ' gas ' siblings ' mother's medicine fee then I sold him my chastity to fulfill all these needs.

Family environment was a little bit better; I quit that job and repented from this task. All of a sudden, a proposal came for my elder sister and she got married. What I was outside the home? Neighbors, people of the area didn’t know about it. I sincerely repented in front of Allah from this sin and offered five time prayers a day and constantly asking help from Allah. Then my proposal came from abroad, and my uncle has settled this proposal for me. Then the guy came from Belgium and married with me. And after 25 days of our wedding, he went back alone. After going back, he started fighting with me over telephone and put ugly accusing on myself and sent divorce to me. Then someone made my contact with (S) who was a student there. I told him the whole situation about my marriage and divorce everything and sought his help that can I put case for trail against him in Belgium? (S) Told me by himself that no, you cannot do anything.

Then after some time (S) proposed me on phone. He said that you are acceptable for me no matter how you are and what has happened with you. I refused him but he repeatedly called me and urged me for the same. On the other hand, the situation of the house was reached starvations conditions, then I got frustrated from my situation and accepted (S) proposal. But I clearly told him the truth that I cannot accept you or this relationship at this time. (S) has accepted my every word on phone. I have (S) even said, I didn’t love you so, please give me some time so that I make relation with you with ease and from the heart. (S) get married with some white girl in Belgium so that he would complete his legal formalities and documents. He got five years visa due to this marriage and then he took me to Belgium on Student’s visa. When I reached there, there was an odd situation. (S) wanted to have a wife whereas my heart was not willing for this relationship in any way, or so fast. May be my mind had some fear of first marriage and then divorce. Due to this fear, I was a little hesitant to create physical relationship with him. (S) shared this thing with his colleagues who were his friends also. Later, he was repulsed by me that he began to bring outsiders inside the home and then I started getting ruined. Away from my homeland, away from my own peoples, went alone into the hands of those beasts and it continued till 2 years. I told this to (S) and cried, wept in front of him and caught his feet that please do not bring these people inside home but he didn’t listen. After 2 years, my visa was ended. (S) said that I would marry you with some white guy so that you can get visa for 5 years. But I refused to do it as I am a Muslim. I can have one marriage at a time, two marriages at the same time are forbidden.

Much time was spent, the fighting continued and he forced me to get married, even he married me with some white men whom I have never seen. The day my marriage was held with white guy on the same day my mother was died due to heart attack. I have lost my mother forever and could not see her last face.

I don’t know where my passport or my file is. Three years have passed more, (S) and his friends started to call me a mercenary as a servant. One day I was searching something on internet, I found Ubqari. I opened the website, listened your teaching. This teaching opened my eyes and offer prayer by weeping and crying, to get rid of these beasts. Now, thanks God, Allah made me get rid of them as my husband’s friends were caught in some case and in prison these days. Now I am doing a job in restaurant as dish washer. Every time I ask for forgiveness from Allah, which is shame on my past life. My eye sight got weak because of lots of weeping. I started offering five times prayers a day and doing good deeds (Nabvi Aamal ﷺ     ).    I also recited Quran with translation. There is comfort in life. I’m tired of giving false comfort to my family. I sent all the expenses of my mother’s death from my income. I cannot come back because after my mother, there is no support of my siblings other than myself. I am only 25 years old. But pigmentation is appearing on face and my body is affected with obesity.

Dear Hazrat Hakeem Sahib! I am tired physically and very nervous as well, but prayers to Allah all night ' with weeping. Your teaching gave me a renewed sense of hope. I would like to tell to readers that never accept any overseas unknown proposal for your daughter or sister even if the match maker is your own blood relatives, without thinking or completely getting aware of all the things about the proposal. Here’s environment is very messy. Just pray for me that my remaining life will be spend on good deeds. Whatever has gone through with me, how do I calculate what has happened to me? Who do I blame? Perhaps I was wrong in myself, for deciding to marry with (S) and left my home my family and came to abroad alone.

From the start, in order to sponsor my family, probably I chose the wrong way and due to this wrong way my whole life becomes hell. My heart is still not ready for accepting this spouse relation. My blood relatives are also responsible for making my life hell that also rubbed the tiny bud and put their desire lust. And they continuously were doing the same so that this sin was no more hateful for me. Tell me, can I ever get clean and pious life? In which I make myself able to speak with Allah? In which I make myself a Muslim? In which I give honor to myself as Ummati of Muhammadﷺ? Alas! I am also having such fortunate moments, that I prove myself that I am a Muslim and belongs to Allah’s beloved ummat Dear Hakeem Sahab damat Hazrat brukatham! Prayers out from the heart for you that after listening your teaching I felt I am Muslim. And being Muslim I have some duties. I realized now that all these happened to me because of my sins.

O Allah! Release me from these beasts. All the time, I used to keep listening to Ders and praying to Allah. Alhamdulillah Allah has saved me from them; my husband’s friends were sued and jailed. Now I wash dishes in a hotel, I keep praying to Allah for forgiveness and regret over my previous life. My eyes site has weakened due to crying, I have started offering prayers regularly,  I perform masnoon practices in the morning and evening and I also recite Quran with translation. Now I have peace in my life. I have become tired of giving false consolations to my family. I sent all the money for the expenses on my mother’s death. I can’t come back because my family has no other financial resources. I am only twenty five but I have freckles on my face and I have become fat. Respected Hakim Sahib! I am tired physically as well as mentally. The whole night, I keep crying and praying to Allah. Your Ders has given me a new hope. I would say to the readers that don’t ever send your sisters and daughters to abroad, marrying them to the strangers living there, not even through your close relatives or marriage bureaus unless you have investigated carefully. The environment here is very bad. Please pray for me that I spend the rest of my life in good deeds. Whom should I ask and blame for whatever happened to me. Perhaps I was wrong; I myself decided marrying S, declared it to my family and left my home alone to such distant place. Perhaps I adopted wrong ways to support my family since the beginning, and because of this wrong way I spent my whole life in hell. My heart still does not accept the marital relationship. My own relatives are also responsible for making my life a hell, those who crushed an innocent bud to fulfill their lust. And they kept doing it to me till the extent that I stopped hating this sin. For Allah’s sake tell me if I will ever be able to live a pure and pious life so that I can enable myself to talk to Allah? So that I can become a Muslim, I can honor myself with the feeling of being a part of Muslim Ummah? I wish I would be blessed with the moments when I can prove myself that I am Muslim and that I am one of Allah’s most beloved Ummah. Respected Hakim Sahib! I sincerely pray for you because after listening to your Ders, I started feeling that I am also a Muslim, I also have some duties and that I am going through such difficulties due to my own sins.

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